UGOLF Ammerschwihr
UGOLF Ammerschwihr is on Colmar's doorstep on the hills of the Vosges between vineyards and forests. The 18 hole course is both technically challenging and good fun to play. The natural beauty of the surrounding green hills and breathtaking panoramas are a constant presence. The tranquility of the natural surroundings perfectly complement the enjoyment of the game. Both beginners and accomplished players will appreciate the challenges and the rewards of the round.
The view from Tee 12 offers a magnificent vision of the beauty of Alsace with the Walbach valley and forest at the bottom of the hill and the famous vineyards beyond. The belltower of Saint-Martin's church appears from the brown tiled roofs of the half-timbered houses with their ochre-colored walls and the Rhine valley beyond.
18-hole course / PAR 70-5207 m
Ladies slopes 131
Men slopes 138
Beginner Course 25/27
Pitch & Putt 9-hole course / PAR 27-592 m
UGOLF Ammerschwihr
Allée du Golf - F-68770 Ammerschwihr
Tél. +33 (0)3 89 47 17 30

Mosquitos can lay up to 300 eggs on a golf green, their larvae can damage roots are a favorite food of starlings who can damage the surface looking for them. Bats can eat up to 500 mosquitoes per hour so we continue to install nest boxes for bats and other birds so that the natural balance can be regulated.